NOSTALGIA is a well-known art & cultural organization based in Abu Dhabi promoting & showcasing the talents in Arts, literature & Culture. Though the formation of NOSTALIGA was initiated by Varkalites, especially former students of SN College Varkala and their friends, it has opened its onset to accommodate artists & art lovers from all walks of life irrespective of creed, caste, religion, sect and profession.
Nostalgia’s vision is to enhance its image as an esteemed cultural organization and its mission is to continue to create an open platform to each and every admirer of arts, literature and culture. Any form of ART is self expression of one’s inner soul. Nostalgia would like to act as a platform where in we have umpteen freedom and liberty of thinking to express self !
global $post;
$myposts = get_posts(‘numberposts=5 &category_name=2’);
foreach($myposts as $post) :the_title(); the_content();endforeach; [/insert_php]